Craft News

100th Installation Meeting for Cytringan Lodge No. 4048

On Monday the 7th of October 2019, Cytringan Lodge No. 4048 held their 100th Installation meeting at Kettering Masonic Centre.

The meeting saw WBro John Partridge PAGDC, Senior Kettering Group Officer, installed into the Chair of King Solomon for the second time, some 25-years after the first, thus marking a super start to a year of Centenary celebrations.

The Lodge was honoured to have the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Lou Orsi PSGD, as the official visitor for the meeting. The APGM was escorted by WBro Steve Miles ProvAGDC.

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WBro John Partridge PAGDC & Senior Kettering Group Officer (left) with the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Lou Orsi PSGD

The Installing Master, WBro Glenn Page, led a fine ceremony having completed an excellent second term in the chair himself, the first being back in 1985/86 during which time he initiated a certain Bro John Partridge into Freemasonry!

A number of special events are planned for the Lodge throughout the coming Masonic season. These will culminate with a Centenary commemoration-meeting on Wednesday the 3rd of June 2020 at York Road, Kettering.

We congratulate the Brethren of Cytringan Lodge on the occasion of their Centenary and wish them a most enjoyable and memorable Masonic year.