Craft News

NHNYMC Officers Attend National NYMC Conference in Leicester

On Saturday the 27th of September 2019, WBro Mark Constant APGM, Bro Dan Cooke, WBro John Russell, and Bro Reuben Freeman, acting in their respective capacities as President, Chairman, Treasurer and Membership Officer of the Northants & Hunts New & Young Masons Club (NHNYMC), attended a national conference of over 100 NYMC "light blue" representatives at Freemasons' Hall, Leicester. 

The morning session was led by the PGM of the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales, RWBro Gareth Jones, and proved to be most interesting and informative.

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The morning session being led by RWBro Gareth Jones

The brethren also enjoyed an address by the PGM of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire, West Riding, RWBro David Pratt, on the subject of learning and development, and the UGLE Solomon website.

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From left, Bro Reuben Freeman, WBro John Russell, Bro Dan Cooke, and WBro Mark Constant APGM waiting for the address by RWBro David Pratt, PGM of Yorkshire, West Riding

The highlight of the day was the keynote presentation given by the Grand Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of the United Grand Lodge of England, VWBro Dr David Staples, which gave a wonderful insight to what UGLE are doing to bring Freemasonry into the modern world.

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VWBro Dr David Staples, Grand Secretary and UGLE CEO, giving his keynote presentation

The day produced many great ideas and some really good contacts with other clubs around the country, which will allow our NYMC and local Light Blues to move forward and build an even better club for the future.

All in all, attending the conference proved to be most worthwhile and was further confirmation that the NYMC clubs across UGLE are going from strength to strength, Northants & Hunts New & Young Masons Club most definitely included!