Craft News

Chicheley Lodge Provides a Defibrillator for Stanwick Lakes

On Monday the 19th of August 2019, representatives from Chicheley Lodge No. 607 and the Provincial Grand Charity visited Stanwick Lakes where they presented members of Rockingham Forest Trust with a cheque for £1,680 for the purchase of a defibrillator.

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From left, WBro Kevin Williams (Provincial Grand Charity Trustee), Alyson Allfree (Rockingham Forest Trust Director), WBro Ken Jackson, WBro David Redden (Chicheley Lodge Charity Steward), WBro John Rivett (Provincial Grand Charity Secretary), and VW Bro Charles Bennett (Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Chair of the Provincial Grand Charity)

Stanwick Lakes is a nature reserve and visitor attraction in East Northamptonshire managed by The Rockingham Forest Trust, an environmental and educational charity.

The Trust’s main areas of work are conservation, education, heritage, health and well-being. Through projects undertaken with local communities, the Trust works with people to educate them about local history, nature, and the environment. It encourages people, particularly children, to get closer to nature.

Last year over 300,000 people, from the very young to the elderly, visited Stanwick Lakes and enjoyed the numerous activities available. The income from its visitors directly supports the cost of running the site, which is self-financing.

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Plaque mounted above the defibrillator

WBro Ken Jackson, a volunteer at Stanwick Lakes and a member of Chicheley Lodge, brought the need for a defibrillator to the attention of the Lodge's charity steward, WBro David Redden.

The value of providing such a facility for the health of the community was self-evident to WBro David and the rest of the Chicheley brethren, so David made contact with the Provincial Grand Charity, who agreed to make a joint donation so as to enable outright purchase of a defibrillator, which has the clear potential to save lives.

Due to the need to self-finance, securing external funding for specific equipment at Stanwick Lakes is vital, and Alyson Allfree, Rockingham Forest Trust Director, said:

We are most grateful to Chicheley Lodge 607 and the Provincial Grand Charity for their generous donation which has enabled us to purchase this defibrillator for Stanwick Lakes. It is reassuring to know that in an emergency in the hub area we have the equipment readily accessible which could help save a life.

We congratulate Chicheley Lodge No. 607 and the Provincial Grand Charity for once again supporting an incredibly worthwhile charity.

Chicheley Lodge Open Evening

Freemasonry is very much about charitable giving, particularly to local causes.

For those interested in knowing more about becoming a Freemason, Chicheley Lodge are holding an open evening on Monday the 7th October 2019 between 7pm and 9pm at Thrapston Bowls Club, Market Road, Thrapston.

Contact with the Lodge Secretary can be made using the contact form - please click here.

The Lodge also has its own website: