The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, has appointed WBro Steve Brown PPGSwdB as a Group Officer for the Rushden & Wellingborough group of lodges with immediate effect.
WBro Steve was initiated into John Pyel Lodge No. 5195 in 1988. He joined Pemberton Lodge No. 3039 in 1993 before becoming a founder member of Sartoris Lodge No. 9497 shortly afterwards in the same year.
Having progressed through the offices, Steve became Worshipful Master of Sartoris Lodge in 1996.
Steve has served Sartoris Lodge as Director of Ceremonies on two occasions. In 2018 he became the Lodge’s Worshipful Master for a second time.
In 2002, Steve was honoured with a first appointment to Provincial Grand rank as acting Provincial Junior Grand Deacon.
This was followed by a promotion to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in 2008, and a subsequent promotion to acting Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in 2015.
We wish Steve all the very best in his new post and have no doubt he will receive excellent support from his fellow brethren.