Craft News

A Special Initiation for Town & Country Lodge No. 9580

Brethen attending the meeting of Town and Country Lodge No. 9580 at Thrapston on Wednesday the 21st of November 2018 enjoyed a very memorable and celebratory evening, one that saw the initiation of 18-year old Bro Jack Duff.

18 11 21 town and country lewis

From left, RWBro Max Bayes PGM, Bro Jack Duff, WBro Geoff Hill (Master of Town & Country Lodge No. 9580), and WBro Geoffrey Duff LGR, PPGReg

The ceremony was witnessed by the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, who was pleased to grant a special dispensation allowing Bro Jack to be initiated before reaching the age of 21.

WBro Geoffrey Duff, Bro Jack's proud father, performed the role of Junior Deacon during the ceremony, escorting his son throughout.

The working tools were presented by none other than the PGM himself, and the meeting was followed by a fine festive board.

All in all it was an evening to remember, not only for Bro Jack and his father, but also for the lodge and its visitors, particularly the PGM.

We congratulate Bro Jack on joining Freemasonry and a super lodge, and wish him many happy years in the Craft.