The Three Counties Lodge No. 9278 hosted their Installation meeting on Monday 29th October 2018 at Sheaf Close, Northampton.
It was a very memorable and special evening which saw WBro Tom Quinn, Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Bedfordshire & Northamptonshire in the Royal Order of Scotland, installed into the Chair of King Solomon by VW Bro James Newman, Deputy President of the Masonic Charitable Foundation.
WBro Tom lives at Harpenden and is a member of Erdemont Lodge of West Kent and Neleus Lodge of Buckinghamshire. He is active in both lodges having served as Treasurer and, more recently, Director of Ceremonies. He became the head of the Royal Order in 2014, when he succeeded WBro Gordon Gentry, who is himself a member and Past Master of the Three Counties Lodge.
Unsurprisingly, the meeting was very well attended. Amongst those present were the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, together with his Provincial Executive team, and a large number of Grand Lodge and active Provincial Grand Officers.
After the Installation ceremony, the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, gave his traditional half yearly address during which he announced that WBro Bob Stokes will be installed as the next Worshipful Master of The Three Counties Lodge in October 2019.
WBro Bob is a very active Mason and a Group Officer in Peterborough. He is also, of course, the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire.
Registered Mason website users can view the Provincial Grand Master's address by clicking on the following link: