Craft News

Latest Grand Officer Appointments

We are pleased to be able to show a picture of two of our latest Grand Officer appointees - WBro Bill Caswell PAGDC, ProvGOrat, and WBro Dale Gilbert PAGDC, ProvGDC - in all their finery!

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From left, WBro Bill Caswell PAGDC, ProvGOrat, and WBro Dale Gilbert PAGDC, ProvGDC

WBro Bill was initiated into Perseverance Lodge No. 455 in 1980 and became Master in 1997. He received his first Provincial appointment in 2003 and has served as Provincial Grand Orator since 2015.

WBro Dale was initiated into Risdene Lodge No. 6532 in 1999 and became Master in 2008. He received his first Provincial appointment in 2010 and has served as Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies since 2016.

Both brethren have provided great service for the Province and continue to work exceptionally hard.

With regards to the Grand Lodge investiture ceremony held at Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London in April, WBro Bill reported:

We were extremely lucky to have the Most Worshipful, the Grand Master, HRH the Duke of Kent perform the investiture. On his feet for over 1½ hours, he performed with great sincerity. The whole ceremony ran pretty much like clockwork with the Grand DC on top form. We had had a very pleasant lunch hosted by the PGM beforehand, and a couple of drinks after the ceremony!

We congratulate WBro Bill and WBro Dale on their well-deserved appointments and have no doubt they'll continue to make a substantial contribution to Freemasonry in the Province in future.