Craft News

Provincial Grand Lodge & Three Counties Meetings

The Province recently enjoyed a very successful annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge held on Thursday the 17th of May 2018, and a similarly successful and enjoyable Past Rank Promotions meeting of Three Counties Lodge held the following week on Wednesday the 23rd of May. Both meetings were very well attended by Brethren from across the Province.

Prior to the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting, the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, was presented with a portrait from WBro Luigi Orsi (Assistant Provincial Grand Master Designate), WBro Michael Branch and Bro Trevor Pywell. For more details, please click here.

At the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting, the PGM took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the outgoing Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Trevor Boswell, who was standing down

The PGM highlighted the significant length of time served by VWBro Trevor since his appointment as Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary.

He made special mention of WBro Trevor's outstanding efforts to co-ordinate the move of Freemasons' Hall from St George’s Avenue to Sheaf Close. The PGM also reflected fondly on his memories of their walks across the Province for the 2013 RMBI Festival.

As a token of both his appreciation and that of the brethren from across the Province, the PGM presented WBro Trevor with a special decanter.

WBro Charles Bennett was then obligated and invested as the Province’s incoming Deputy Provincial Grand Master.

18 05 charles bennett

WBro Charles Bennett, Deputy Provincial Grand Master

WBro Charles's appointment was followed by the appointment of WBro Luigi Orsi as the incoming Assistant Provincial Grand Master.

18 05 luigi orsi

WBro Luigi Orsi, Assistant Provincial Grand Master

WBro Luigi will serve alongside the Province's other APGM, WBro David Burton (click here for additional information regarding the Provincial Executive).

The Provincial Grand Master was also delighted to appoint WBro Bob Cox as Provincial Senior Grand Warden, and WBro Tony Elsey as Provincial Junior Grand Warden. He also took the opportunity to thank the outgoing Senior and Junior Wardens, WBro Martin Dimmock and WBro David Butt, for their support during a very successful year. The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to appoint those other Brethren who were receiving acting or first appointments to Provincial Grand Rank.

The Three Counties Past Rank Promotions meeting saw many brethren who were the backbone of both the Province and their own lodges honoured with promotions to Past Provincial Grand Rank.

During the course of the meeting, the Provincial Grand Master presented his Certificate of Merit to WBro Michael (Mick) Pescod to reflect his work across the Province over a number of years, particularly his significant contribution to the Three Pillars Feeding the Homeless Trust.

The Provincial Grand Master addressed the brethren present at both meetings. He appraised them of significant developments and wished them an enjoyable summer.