Craft News

St John’s Enjoys an End of Season Flourish

On Monday 16th April 2018, St John’s Lodge in Northampton held its last meeting of the season.

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The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Max Bayes, addressing the Festive Board at St John's Lodge

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Max Bayes, had encouraged members to support this meeting and he was not disappointed to see an attendance of close on 70-brethren of all ranks and from all corners of the Province.

Despite their challenging situation, St John’s Lodge is in good heart and the evening had a buzz and a sense of something special about to begin.

During the meeting, the Lodge Secretary, W Bro Phil Arnold, announced that there were 15 joining members for the Lodge. Many of these were from Piscator Lodge who found themselves in a very similar predicament only a few years ago and wished to reciprocate the support that they had received from Lodges within the Province when they moved from London.

The Festive Board was a most enjoyable and sociable occasion. During the reply to his toast the Provincial Grand Master spoke about some of his memories of St John’s Lodge as well as the spirit and determination of St John’s Lodge not to give up which was typified by their Worshipful Master, W Bro Nick Parsons, and a number of other senior Brethren during their meetings. He believes that many of the pieces are coming together for the Lodge to move forward in a positive direction with a view to celebrating their Centenary in October 2019.

He also gave his congratulations to the Master Elect, W Bro Keith Stevenson and wished him a happy and enjoyable year.