A great evening was had by all on Monday the 26th February 2018 when Lodge of Unity No. 9495 held their celebratory Silver Jubilee meeting. They were most ably led by their Worshipful Master, WBro David Genner ProvAGDC.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro David Burton PSGD, was the official visitor for the evening. He was accompanied by WBro Tom Webster, ProvDepGDC.
From left: WBro David Burton, APGM; WBro David Genner, WM & ProvAGDC; RWBro W. Barrie Hall, PPGM
RWBro W. Barrie Hall PProvGM was also in attendance. RWBro Barrie had taken part in the consecration of the Lodge on the 20th February 1993, when he was ProvSGW.
Once the Worshipful Master had opened the Lodge, the original minutes of the Consecration Meeting were read to those present.
The WM then graciously vacated the Master's Chair in favour of Senior Corby Group Officer, WBro Jim Spence PAGDC. WBro Jim was Lodge of Unity's founding WM; he is also the Lodge's current Charity Steward.
WBro Jim led a super 2nd Degree ceremony ably assisted by other founder-members of the Lodge including WBro Harry Twelvetree PPSGW (also a Corby Group Officer and Asst. Secretary of the Lodge), WBro Barrie Ball PPSGW, and WBro Arthur Cairns PPAGDC. All those in attendance were most impressed to see that the standard of the Founders' Masonic ritual had not diminished 25-years on!
The candidate, Bro Alan Roderick, did himself proud. He was most appreciative of all the work done to make his Passing so special.
Notwithstanding the celebratory nature of the event, the Lodge Almoner, WBro Ronnie Stone PPSGW, honoured those members who had sadly passed to the Grand Lodge Above by reading-out their names. This was a most fitting tribute, particularly as WBro Ronnie is himself a founder-member of the Lodge and has served as Almoner ever-since its consecration.
Lodge of Unity founder members, from left: WBro Harry Twelvetree, PPSGW (Asst. Secretary & Corby Group Officer); WBro Ronnie Stone, PPSGW (Almoner); WBro Jim Spence, PAGDC (Founder WM, Senior Corby Group Officer, and Charity Steward); WBro David Genner, ProvAGDC (WM); WBro Barrie Ball, PPSGW; WBro Arthur Cairns, PPAGDC
The Travelling Gavel was proudly on display throughout the evening having been seized during a very successful raid by Lodge of Unity members on Lactodorum Lodge No. 8526 in Towcester on the 18th of January (click here for details). A number of visiting Lactodorum brethren were on hand to see that the Gavel was being properly taken care of in its new home!
WBro Jim Spence and WBro David Genner proudly brandishing the Travelling Gavel!
Also present during the evening were newly appointed Corby Group Officer, WBro Mark Constant PProvSGW, and a healthy contingent of Active Provincial Officers.
All in all it was a super evening finished-off with over 75-diners enjoying a resplendent festive board with a spot of birthday cake for dessert.
A very special birthday cake for afters!
We congratulate Lodge of Unity on reaching their 25-year anniversary and have no doubt they will go from strength-to-strength over the next 25-years!