Craft News

Diamond Jubilee Certificate for WBro Brian Kingston

The meeting of Vale of Nene Lodge No. 7006 held on Wednesday the 14th of February 2018 proved to be a most memorable occasion for WBro Brian Kingston, who was presented with a Diamond Jubilee certificate to mark 60-years in Freemasonry. The certificate was presented by WBro Norman Manser in very warm and touching manner.

18 02 26 Bryan Kingston Resized

From left, WBro David Balmer (Sec), WBro Brian Kingston, WBro Norman Manser, and WBro Chris Harris (WM)

Brian is a Lewis who was initiated on 12th February 1958 into the Vale of Nene Lodge no. 7006. He was proposed by his father, Bro Stanley Kingston, who was a steward in the Lodge.

Brian was installed as Worshipful Master in March 1971. Having received an initial promotion to acting Deputy Provincial Director of Ceremonies, Brian was promoted to to Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 2001.

Brian was founder treasurer of Thomas Deacon Lodge, which was consecrated on 22 October 1984. He served as treasurer for 19-years until appointed as Worshipful Master in 2003. He then performed the duties of charity steward from 2005 to 2011.

Brian was exalted into Holy Royal Arch on the 8th December 1970. He served the office of ‘Z’ for two-years in 1982/1983, and was promoted to Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1984.

During this time, Brian was invited to set up the Teddies for Loving Care (TLC) scheme, which had recently been introduced and adopted by Freemasonry. This involved finding relevant contacts at local hospitals and treatment centres, explaining the scheme to them, and securing their co-operation.

Once the scheme was up and running, Brian spent a substantial amount of time delivering teddies so that they could be handed-out to children and some older patients, who appreciated them very much and found them a great comfort. To-date, many thousands of teddies have been distributed by this very worthwhile charity.

We congratulate Brian on his very special achievement and wish him many more happy years in Freemasonry.