During the 2016/17 Masonic season, the Worshipful Master of Scout Lodge No. 9814, WBro Kris Roberts, held a very successful Ladies Festival at Wellingborough Masonic Hall. Kris's mother, Mrs Shirley Roberts, was the Principal Lady.
Shirley Roberts and her son, WBro Kris Roberts, presenting a cheque for £200 to Dawn Harkins, Ward Sister at Cransley Hospice
The Ladies Festival took place on the 29th April 2017. The meal and entertainment were first class.
During the evening a raffle was held, which raised £400.
Of this, Kris donated £200 to Wilby and Great Doddington Scout Group, where he is Scout Leader.
Shirley chose to donate the remainder to Cransley Hospice Trust in Kettering, which supported one of her close friends before her sad passing.
Shirley and Kris visited Cransley Hospice on the 20th of January 2018 to make the presentation, as shown in the above photograph.
Both organisations were very pleased to receive the donations and gave their grateful thanks to the Scout Lodge for their valued support.