Craft News

Piscator Lodge Hosts Combined Southern Festival of Stability

The Combined Southern Festival of Stability Meeting is a bi-annual event, which for the past two seasons has been hosted by Corinthian Lodge and held in Brentwood Essex. It is an all-inclusive event that is very well supported with representatives from many sister lodges swelling the numbers and taking an active part in the Initiation ceremony.

The initiation of Bro Cameron Roy Nixson-Engel (2nd from left) was led by the Piscator WM, WBro Daniel Day (2nd from right)

On the 7th of October 2017, Piscator Lodge were honoured to host this event for the first time in this Province. They initiated Bro Cameron Roy Nixson-Engel into Freemasonry in fine fashion.

The ceremony was conducted by the Worshipful Master, WBro Daniel Day, in Strict Stability ritual with masters of sister lodges acting as wardens and a past master delivering the Charge After Initiation.

With just 16 Stability lodges left in the country, and Piscator being the only Stability lodge in the Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, this proved to be a highly charged event with some 90-plus Masons in attendance.

Many distinguished brethren were in attendance including the PGM, DPGM, and APGMs

The level of Provincial support given by the Provincial Grand Master, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, and Active Provincial Officers gave the event a huge boost; there were five Grand Officers present, twenty-six brethren from within the Province, and twenty-six members of sister lodges.

The Festive Board was a very joyous occasion with good food, wine and much merriment. Everyone was well entertained by the professional showmanship of WBro Miki Travis from Chelsea Lodge No.3098.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to showcase Stability Ritual on home ground, and with the very generous support of the Province, Piscator Lodge did so proudly and with great finesse.