Craft News

MCF 2024 Festival


For six years, until 31 March 2024, we will be attempting to raise at least £2.024m in support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, our national Masonic charity.

It provides invaluable support for Freemasons and their families, many of them in this Province. Whilst this is its main focus, it also supports charities in the wider community.

MCF leaflets

This is tremendous opportunity for us to demonstrate the strength of our fraternity, our fraternal care for members of the Masonic family and our generosity towards the wider community.

By far the most reliable way of us reaching our target is through the commitment of each of us to a Regular Payment Promise. Through this, a regular donation will be made to our Lodge’s Relief Chest from which transfers can be made to the Festival.

There will also be numerous other fund raising activities, at individual, Lodge and Provincial level. The first of these is the raffle for prizes that money can’t buy - the honour of being picked up at home by a Provincial DC, being hosted by a member of the Executive on an official visit, being wined and dined and then taken home the Provincial DC. 

Festival Jewels

To obtain your Festival jewel please see your Lodge Charity Steward.

Festival Committee

Each Lodge’s Charity Steward will have a key part to play in the Festival and in guiding his Lodge towards its target.  In his support, we have a Festival Committee, chaired by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master.  Every area of the Province is represented on this Committee.  Your local representatives are as follows. Note that registered Mason users are required to sign-in to view contact numbers:

Chairman Charles Bennett
Deputy Chairman Tim Almond
ProvGTreas Paul Sparks
ProvGChStwd Gerry Crawford
Asst ProvGChStwd Mick Warren
ProvCommOfficer Peter Robinson
Comms Assistant Jason Brice
Secretary Jack Summerfield
Corby Jack Summerfield
Huntingdon Francis Margôt
Kettering Tim Lucy
Northampton Gerry McCrory
Northampton Reuben Freeman
Peterborough Steve Winterton
South West Chris Mullen
Stamford Andrew Harker
Wellingborough Dan Cooke

Festival Launch Brochure

A wealth of information about the Festival is to be found in the following brochure:


Festival News

Creating an Online Fundraising Page

Did you know you can simply and easily set up your own online fundraising page for debit or credit card donations to your Lodge Relief Chest or directly to the Festival?

To obtain instructions as to how to do this for your own Lodge, visit the MCF Relief Chest Scheme page by clicking on this this link.

Once at this page, scroll down and search for your relief chest using your Lodge's number:

18 09 28 rc step 1

As shown above, click View This Chest. On the page that follows, click the Start Fundraising button and follow the instructions on the next page. You will need to search for your Lodge's number in the Relief Chest filter-box:

18 09 28 rc step 3

You can also set up a similar online fundraising page for donations directly to the Festival (for example, to use for a special fund raising event) by clicking this link.

Further Information

For more information please contact your Lodge Charity Steward, local member of the Festival Committee or the Provincial Grand Charity Steward.  

MCF website - donate and get involved.

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