On Tuesday the 25th July 2017, Mr. Daniel Saxton, Head of Business Services at Papworth Hospital, received a cheque for £6,000 on behalf of Papworth Hospital Charity.
The cheque was presented by Mrs. Sue Hurd and RWBro Barrie Hall, PProvGM. The presentation took place at Peterborough Masonic Centre. Mrs. Hurd is the widow of WBro Steve Hurd, who was a member of Petriburg Lodge No. 8767.
The money raised included donations from the follow lodges/chapters -
- St Peter's Lodge No. 442
- Peterborough & Counties Lodge No. 2996
- St Crispin Lodge No. 5627
- Risdene Lodge No. 6532
- Vale of Nene Lodge No. 7006
- Petriburg Lodge No. 8767
- Thomas Deacon Lodge No. 9126
- Dr Oliver Chapter No. 3964
The following members also made individual contributions -
- WBro John Humphreys
- WBro Mervin Roberts