Craft News

Tercentenary Celebrations Launched In Fine Style At Grand Lodge

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A wonderful day was enjoyed at Grand Lodge on Saturday the 25th March 2017 by over 1,200 Masons, partners and friends from around the Province to launch our Tercentenary celebrations.

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View from the front of the Grand Temple prior to the commencement of the 2nd Degree Ceremony (click picture to view full size)

The day started in the Grand Temple with a fascinating presentation by Diane Clements, Library and Museum Director, providing an overview of events covering the 300 years since the formation of The United Grand Lodge of England and also the history of the magnificent Freemasons Hall building.

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Diane Clements, UGLE Library and Museum Director, giving her presentation

In the afternoon, a superb Second Degree ceremony was conducted in the Grand Temple under the banner of The Three Counties Lodge number 9278 and included 29 Worshipful Masters of the year from our Lodges. This was a significant event for the Province as it was the largest ceremony ever to take place in our history.

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Panoramic view of the Grand Temple prior to the commencement of the Tercentenary 2nd Degree Ceremony (click picture to view full-size)

The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, commented -

The fantastic support from all around the Province helped to make this a truly unique day and one that will remain in our memories for years to come. I would like to thank all members of the Tercentenary organising committee for their hard work and in particular, WBros William Diggins, Andy Moore and Chris Mullen. We now look forward to our next major event, with the Peterborough Parade and Cathedral Service in June.

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The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes; Past Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Brian Smith; Past Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Barrie Hall; Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Trevor Boswell; Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, WBro David Burton and WBro Charles Bennett; Past Assistant Grand Master and Master of The Three Counties Lodge, WBro Norman Pope; Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Owen Davison; together with the Tercentenary Masters and candidate, Bro Luke Howard (click picture to view full-size)