At the October meeting of Trinity Lodge No. 9165, Worshipful Master, WBro Jim Annetts called-off the Lodge so that the Brethren could receive a presentation from Det. Chief Superintendent (Ret) Bob Thorogood. The presentation was entitled “Beyond the Call of Duty: A Policeman's Story."
Bob gave a very interesting talk on his life, from his birth in Northampton through his time as a bricklayer and onto his career in the Police as well as his input into the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) and his role at the beginning of the BBC series Crimewatch.
After the presentation WBro Annetts thanked Bob Thorogood for his talk. Bob then left the lodge room and the meeting was called on. This being the meeting before Installation, Bro Darren Garley was elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. His Senior Warden will be WBro Martin Thorogood, Bob Thorogood's son, who is also a policeman. After the meeting the Brethren and guests enjoyed the Festive Board.