Craft News

A Lewis is Initiated

At the Petriburg Lodge No 8767 on Tuesday 8th November 2016, the Worshipful Master, WBro David Cawkwell invited WBro Eric Samler to occupy the chair of King Solomon. WBro Eric proceeded to initiate his son, David Samler, in a very moving ceremony, which was unique in several ways and enjoyed by everyone present. WBro John Harvey gave an explanation of the preparation of a Candidate and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro David Burton gave an explanation of the working tools, which he stated he had not performed for over twenty years! The ceremony concluded with WBro Leo McCormick giving the charge after initiation.

from left to right WBro John Humphrys( JW), WBro David Burton, APGM, WBro Eric Samler, Bro David Samler, WBro David Cawkwell(WM), Bro Jonathon Shelton (SW) and WBro Neil Handley( JD)

From left to right: WBro John Humphrys (JW), WBro David Burton, APGM, WBro Eric Samler, Bro David Samler, WBro David Cawkwell (WM), Bro Jonathon Shelton (SW) and WBro Neil Handley (JD)