Craft News

Devonshire Court 50th Birthday Celebration

Devonshire Court was opened on the 2nd of November 1966 by the Late Queen Mother. It was the first of the R.M.B.I. purpose built homes to be opened after a period of about 116 years since the formation of “the Asylum for Worthy, Aged and Decayed Freemasons” was opened in Croydon.

This years event was attended by many invited guests and residents of the Home. WBro David Watson, a trustee of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, addressed the assembled guests and residents on the work of the Charity and that of the R.M.B.I. Devonshire Court was then toasted in the usual manner with a glass of “Bubbly.”

WBro David Watson

WBro George Stamp, a Past Master and Chaplain of the Holmes Lodge, also a past first Principal of the St Peter’s Chapter and a member of the St. Peter’s Mark Lodge, delivered a Eulogy on behalf of the late Fred Lifford who bequeathed substantial sums to both Devonshire Court and The Market Harborough Masonic improvement fund. WBro George then unveiled a plaque naming the Lounge “The Lifford Lounge.”

WBro George Stamp admiring the new plaque

The residents and guests then continued to enjoy the afternoon and the entertainment.

WBro David Watson, his wife, Halina, and other guests

The night was attended by WBros Kevin Williams, Mike Gorrod, David Talbot and David Watson accompanied by Helen Williams, Margaret Talbot and Davids wife, Halina, who is photographed in her wheelchair having broken her ankle.

Following the sumptuous meal the gaming tables opened allowing both fun entertainment and a chance to chat with fellow masons from the Pprovince of Leicestershire and Rutland.