The meeting was held on Friday the 23rd September 2016 in the Whitehall State Room of Kimbolton Castle.
There were one hundred and forty seven brethren in attendance including the Assistant Grand Master, RWBro Sir David Hugh Wootton, the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, and four other Right Worshipful brethren including the Provincial Grand Master of Bedfordshire. Forty Officers of Grand Lodge and ten acting Provincial Grand Lodge Officers were also present.
The Assistant Grand Master, RWBro Sir David Hugh Wootton (left), and the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes
A fine installation ceremony was led by the Installing Master, WBro Jeremy Allen, and concluded by the Worshipful Master, WBro Michael Herbert, who welcomed three new honorary members: RWBro Max Bayes, RWBro William Barrington Hall and VWBro Graham Redman. There were also propositions for two initiates and two joining members. A busy year is assured!
Whilst replying to the toast to Grand Lodge, the Assistant Grand Master expressed his delight at being present.
Left to right, the Provincial Grand Master, Assistant Grand Master and Worshipful Master of Old Kimboltonians' Lodge
Proposing the toast to the WM, VWBro Derek Young spoke fondly of their days at school together and referred to WBro Michael`s glittering Masonic career in some detail.
A special evening concluded with Peace, Love and Harmony, and the Tyler’s Toast.