The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Max Bayes, was pleased to preside over the 2014 meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge which was attended by almost 400 Brethren.
In bright sunshine, and for the first time, use was made of the new patio area adjacent the the bar at Sheaf Close. The extended car park was also used for the first time, ensuring that most who wished to park within the confines of Freemasons’ Hall were able to do so.
The Provincial Grand Master said he was pleased with our first year's occupation of our new home and added
Unfortunately, last year I missed the great pleasure of investing the active officers and those with first appointments to Provincial rank. It is a great delight to witness the pleasure that an appointment brings to someone who has worked very hard over sometimes many years and this time I intend to experience that pleasure. I offer my sincere congratulations to all those who will be receiving appointment and hope that you all enjoy the occasion. It is a very special event in your Masonic careers.