Reflections on Being a Provincial Officer

WBro Stephen Seward ProvAGDCWhat is it like to be an acting Provincial officer?  As he is completing his year as a Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies WBro Stephen Seward ProvAGDC gives his reflections. 

Worshipful Master, the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes stands without and demands admission. Do I have your permission to form an escort?

How many times do we hear this piece of ritual played out?

At least once in all Lodges in this Province every season. In my case, fourteen times this season, but on these occasions I was the one demanding the admission for the PGM. When I was asked by the Provincial Director of Ceremonies W Bro Charles Bennett if I would be prepared to accept the office of Provincial Assistant Grand Director of ceremonies, I knew my season would be different, fulfilling and eventful.

During my year in office I have escorted the PGM, DPGM and both APGMs as well as Past Provincial officers.  We have travelled to all parts of the Province.  In every case I have been welcomed and treated with the utmost respect, not only by my charges but also by the Brethren of my Lodge and the various Lodges I have visited.

When visiting Webb Ellis Lodge I sat in my seat with my wand in the stand behind me.  When the time came for me to stand and go onto the floor I reached behind for my wand and set foot on the chequered carpet.  I was concentrating so much that I did not realise I had mistakenly picked up the pole for opening the windows rather than my wand!

Although it has had its humorous moments, I would like to think that I have treated my duties most seriously as I feel I am representing not only the Provincial team, but also my Lodge and the Corby complex in general.

As it comes towards its end, the year has been enjoyable, busy and a sometimes stressful but one of which I am pleased and honoured to have been a part.