The Provincial Office is now closed till the 2nd of January. We wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

WBro Alan Stewart‘s 60 Years in Freemasonry

It was a special night on Mon 17 March 2014 at the meeting of St John’s Lodge in Northampton when the Lodge helped WBro Alan Stewart  celebrate his 60 years as a Freemason.  Among the many visitors was Bro Alan’s son, WBro Christopher Stewart.

WBro Bob Allison was pleased to present Bro Alan with his Golden Jubliee Certificate and gave a resume of Bro Alan’s Masonic career.

(l to r) WBros Bob Allison & Alan Stewart

After attending the Northampton Town and County Grammar School for Boys, he entered his father’s accountancy business but later sold it and moved to the Isle of Man.

Proposed by his father, WBro LE Stewart, he was initiated in St John’s Lodge (then meeting at the Princess Street Masonic Hall) on 15 February 1954, aged 24 years.  He progressed through the offices and in 1966 reached the WM Chair.

In 1973 he became a founder member of Lactodorum Lodge No 8526 in Towcester and remained a member until 1991.  In 1974 he became a founder member of Danetre Lodge No 8594 in Daventry

By 1978 he had joined St Maughold Lodge No 1075 in his new home in the Isle of Man and remained a member until 1991.  He was a Founder member of the Isle of Man Lodge of Installed Masters No 9598 in 1995, its WM in 1998 and remained a member until 2001.

Bro Alan is also a member of various other orders and has completed over 50 years as a member of the Holy Royal Arch