All Change at Provincial Grand Lodge

Many changes were announced to a record of over 380 Brethren at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge on Thursday 20 May 2011.

Not the least of these changes was the retirement from office of the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Barrie Hall.

The meeting also marked the retirement of the Provincial Grand Almoner, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and Provincial Grand Orator and also the Provincial Education and Training Officer.

  The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Barrie Hall, was overwhelmed by the good wishes he received from Brethren both before and after the ceremony
Retiring Provincial Grand Orator,  VWBro Derek Young

On behalf of the Province, the PGM praised the very high standard of work of all these officers and thanked them for the tremendous contributions they had made.

He presented retirement gifts to WBro John Partridge (retiring ProvGAlm), WBro Neil Young (retiring the ProvGDC) and also WBro Reg Hirst (retiring Provincial Education and Training Officer. (Retiring Provincial Grand Orator, VWBro Derek Young had previously been presented with his retirement gift.)

The PGM also presented a most surprised WBro Arthur March of Old Kimbolonians' Lodge No 7204 with his Certificate of Merit.

included in those receiving their for appointment was 98 years old WBro William Neil of Burgley Lodge No 9364 who was promoted to Past Provincial Assistant Grand Standard Bearer.

During his address to the meeting, RWBro Barrie Hall reviewed the many ceremonial and social events in the Province during his tenure as PGM in general and the past year in particular.

In closing, he said he would treasure many happy memories of his the last 6 years as PGM especially the many friendships that he had mader and greatly valued. He sat down to a prolonged and heartfelt standing ovation.

On behalf of the Province of Leicestershire & Rutland, its Provincial Grand Master, RWBro David Hagger then presented to the PGM a cheque in aid of the 2013 RMBI Festival.

His Deputy, VWBro Max Bayes, then addressed the meeting.

In acknowledging the immense contribution RWBro Barrie Hall had made to Freemasonry in the Province since becoming a joining member of Risdene Lodge No 6532 in 1976, he paid a glowing and very well deserved tribute.

To the obvious delight of the PGM he then presented him with an beautiful antique Grandfather clock.

This had been purchased with the proceeds of fund raising for the PGM's retirement present. The high level of contributions is a measure of the highest of esteem in which RWBro Barrie Hall is held by by Brethren of the Province.

  VW Bro Max Bayes and WBro Barrie Hall with the clock
