During the 2011 summer break, two major changes have taken place at Daventry's Masonic Centre.
The dining room, bar and entrance lobbies have been renovated and decorated and, working to WBro Bill Mead's design and with WBro Rick Bott's assistance, the kitchen area has been extended. This extension has meant the addition of a new partition wall and the creation of storage areas for tables and chairs.
At the other end of the room, under WBro Dick Godwin's guidance and utilising WBro Ken Bryant's skills, the bar counter, shelving, flooring and glass washing areas have all been totally renewed. Helping to ensure these projects were completed before the start of the 2011/12 Masonic season, were many Brethren, who freely gave of their time and skills Bro Roy Major, in plumbing in sinks and modifying the central heating system Bro Max Reynolds, fitting doors, skirtings and architraves WBro Graham Ballinger, modifying lighting and electrics and Bro Bob Lattaway and WBro Tony Pointing, along with many others, painting ceilings, walls, doors and a myriad of other tasks. We are indebted to them all. |
Thanks to the hard work of 37 individuals, including wives and children (and not forgetting the assitance of two Assistants - APGMs) Daventry now has a dining room which is a much brighter and fresher place in which to enjoy Festive Boards, for many years to come. The room has been adorned by a number of Masonic prints, the work of distinctive artist, Peter Heard, which were generously donated by WBro Malcolm Payne. To all those who lent a hand, a Golden Nail has been awarded. This distinguishes them as Brethren with whom, local Lodge WM's are pleased to take wine, to highlight their contribution. This warrants the thanks of all Brethren who enjoy meeting at Daventry. |
The second major change, was forced on the Centre's Committee, by the retirement of Derek Mitchell (Newton Caterers). After 50 years in the catering business and 38 years serving the brethren of Daventry (and, in the past, Towcester) Derek and his wife Leslie, decided to take a well earned retirement. They plan to tour, both the UK and the rest of the World.
Brethren needn't worry however, as the Club have secured the services of new caterers who have provided a fresh new menu, capable of tempting even the most "devouring beast of the field."