WBro Albert Shepherd, who was 86 years old, passed to the Grand Lodge above on Monday 19 September. He had not been well for some time but after making a recovery was re-admitted to hospital this where he passed away.
He was an Honorary Member of the Lodge of Perseverance No 455 and a member of the Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire Lodge of Installed Masters No 3422, Trinity Lodge No 9165, Rockingham Forest Lodge No 9491 and Three Counties Lodge No 9278. He was also a member of the Holy Royal Arch.
W Bro Albert Shepherd, had a distinguished war record, as a Rear Gunner on Lancaster Bombers, in the Second World War. During 1944 and 1945 Albert flew a total of 38 missions over enemy territory which was a truly remarkable feat given that the Rear Gunners precarious position, perched at the back of the aeroplane, meant they generally had a very short life expectancy during active service.
Bro Albert was well known throughout the Province and served for many years as Senior Group Officer for Kettering. He will be sadly missed.