Provincial Demonstration Group Update – March 2010

It is now one year since the Provincial Demonstration Group premiered their first play – ‘Lodge Night 1759’ – to the Palmer Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards in Northampton on 24 March 2009.

Lodge Night 1759’ has now been presented 12 times to appreciative audiences in and out of the Province.  There are 11 more presentations booked between April 2011 and January 2012, including support for a 150th and a 250th Lodge anniversary celebration.

How and Why the Royal Arch’ will be premiered at the Chapter of Installed First Principals on Friday 23 April 2010. There are seven forward bookings for this play between April 2010 and October 2012. These are to Chapters and Craft Lodges in and outside the Province.

The Working Tools – a New Perspective’ is a two man demonstration by WBros Barry Hales and Mike Farrow of Risdene Lodge.

WBros Barry Hales and Mike Farrow present ‘The Working Tools – a new Perspective’

So far they have presented this demonstration five times and have two forward bookings.

An article headed ‘Dramatic Masonry’ about the work of the Demonstration Group has appeared in the winter 2009 edition of a national publication and has resulted in 12 new bookings. This means that two-thirds of the Group's forward bookings are now from outside the Province and the Demonstration Group is truly a national ambassadors for Freemasonry in this Province.