Freemasons Sponsor Childrens' Wheelchairs for Red Cross

During the summer of 2009, Mrs Mollie Clarke OBE of the Red Cross in Northampton approached the Provincial Grand Charity asking for help to purchase urgently needed self propelled wheelchairs for children. (New Health & Safety legislation meant children could not use the adult size chairs normally available from the Red Cross.)

Wheelschairs presentation
(l to R) WBro Wayne Williams, David Self, Mrs Mollie Clark OBE, WBro David Tempest & Justin Prestcott

The Provincial Grand Charity made a donation which allowed the Red Cross to purchase three childrens' wheelchairs - each chair labelled " Donated by the Freemasons".

Since taking delivery of them, the childrens' wheelchairs have been in constant use.

On 25 November 2009 at Red Cross House, Moulton Park, Northampton, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Wayne Williams, and WBro David Tempest, Provincial Grand Charity Committee member, officially handed over of the chairs to Mrs Clarke, David Self, and Justin Prescott of the Red Cross.