Scout Lodge No 9814 Banner Dedication

Those privileged to attend the Scout Lodge banner dedication at Rushden on 8 December 2009 took part in a true feast of Masonry.

Scout Lodge members
Scout Lodge Members with WBro Max Bayes (centre)

The meeting, attended by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Max Bayes, included a superb 3rd degree ceremony with the WM, WBro Norman Pope, presiding.


After the banner had been dedicated the Provincial Grand Chaplain, WBro Frank Pickard ProvAGChap, delivered a superb Oration including references to his first love affair (with a 2nd class Girl Guide), the principles of Masonry, the lessons of the 3rd degree and the significance of a banner dedication.

Although never a scout himself, he described his admiration for the movement, drawing comparisons between the aims of the two organisations.

Both teach their members to be faithful to their God, their country and their laws.

He explained how the teaching of the 3rd degree could be summed up in the scout motto “Be prepared”.

New Scout Lodge Banner