Endurance Feats of Fittest Mason in Province

Bro Keith Rumbold of Ferraria of Lodge No 8489 can lay claim to being the fittest Mason in the Province.

Bro Keith Rumbold

In the last week of November 2007, he completed a tremendous feat of endurance by finishing the Himalayan Endurance Race - a little matter of five marathons in five days.  The third being around Mount Everest!

He received very well earned total sponsorship of £5,500 - from the Provincial Grand Charity (£2000), Corby Masons (£1,500) and non-Masonic sources (£2000).

Three years ago he ran the London marathon raising £2000 for the local Lakelands Hospice.

Bro Keith‘s fund raising efforts over the past 20 years have been officially recognised by the award of the MBE. 

Bro Keith Rumbold at Himalayan Endurance Race start