£10,000 Presented to Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance - 11 April 2008

Freemasons have donated £10,000 to the Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance. The money was raised through fund raising by local Lodges (Daventry lodges - Beneventa  No 2380, Coritani No 8079, Danetre 8594 and Buckby Castle 8932 - and a Northampton Lodge - Harmony 9048) with additional support from the Provincial Grand Charity and Grand Charity.

Air Ambulace Cheque Presentation

On  Friday 11 April a group of Masons representing these Lodges travelled to Coventry Airport. WBros David Tempest and Dick Godwin presented the cheque. This adds to the many thousands of pounds already donated to the Air Ambulance by Freemasons of Northamptonshire and Warwickshire which they will continue to support.