In the summer of 2008, under the auspices of the Provincial Education and Training Committee, a Provincial masonic information, learning and discussion resource was established. It is in the form of a moderated, internet based forum that can be accessed by Master Masons who register. It contains papers that are available for download and other information on all manner of masonic topics.
A registered user can also initiate or take part in online (text based) discussions on any of the items in the forum or on other masonic topics of their choice.
Chairman of the Provincial Education and Training Committee, APGM, WBro Vivian Thomas said, “We live in exciting times. But a short while ago, such rapid access to a wealth of information was unheard of. The development of this forum will provide a wonderful opportunity for Brethren not only to enhance their understanding of freemasonry but to contribute towards evolving views on all manner of masonic debate. I hope Brethren will log on to the site and make full use of it.”
The forum creator and moderator, WBro Alan Kersely, said, “We have made a good start in gathering together material from various sources within the Province. However, I’m sure that, as yet, we are only scratching the surface. I hope Brethren will contact me with more contributions of masonic lectures, talks, references or in fact any masonic information they feel might be of use to others. I also hope Brethren will get involved in masonic discussion on the forum.”