A new Provincial Demonstration Team has been established to present historic Masonic plays for the enjoyment and education of Brethren in the Province. Over 20 budding actors and writers attended the inaugural team meeting on Tuesday 30 Septemberin Northampton.
In his opening address to the meeting APGM WBro Vivian Thomas, Chairman of the Provincial Education & Training Committee, said, “The use of drama to educate and bring to life our Masonic history is very exciting. Group Officers will be promoting to their Lodges the concept of including a demonstration in plans for the forthcoming season. We have VWBro Derek Young to thank for setting this up when he was Chairman of the Education & Training Committee. My feeling on the subject of Demonstration Teams reflects that of Derek Young in that we want more Lodges to move from simply performing Firsts, Seconds and Thirds to accepting the enormous variation of Lectures, Demonstration and Orations that can enhance an understanding and enjoyment of our Craft. I’m delighted to say Demonstrations has the whole hearted support of our PGM, and I know he will be watching developments with considerable interest.”
The Pomfret Lodge No 360 Demonstration Team in 2006 with their play "A 1765 Initiation Ceremony"
WBro Trevor Sherman, who is setting up the Demonstration Team, said, “We are off to a flying start with the project. The Brethren who attended our inaugural meeting are very enthusiastic about the concept and the programme of plays. We identified two plays we will put into production in early 2009 with more planned over the next three years. We want to include members from all Masonic Centres across the Province. I’m still looking for Brethren to join the team. If you believe you can research, write or act in historic Masonic plays then please get in touch. I’m also very happy to receive nominations from Brethren would like to recommend members of their Lodge”.
The first of the two plays planned by the Provincial Demonstration Team, ‘A Lodge Night 1759’, will be premièred under the auspices of Palmer Stewards Lodge 8995 on Monday 23 March 2009. This will be followed by a second showing on Friday 24 April 2009 to be hosted by Kingsley Lodge 2431 in Northampton.
The Demonstration Team welcomes enquires from Lodge Secretaries, Worshipful Masters (serving, elected or to be) and Directors of Ceremonies to arrange for dates in the 2008/09 and 2009/10 seasons.