The Provincial Office is now closed till the 2nd of January. We wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Provincial Masons Remember the Alamo

On 5 December 2009, four Northamptonshire Masons (Bro Andy Adamson, Merit Lodge No 466, WBro Jeff Chambers, Old Kimboltonians’ Lodge No 7204, WBro Sid Prowse and Bro Mick Warren, both of Chicheley Lodge No 607) went on a Masonic pilgrimage to Texas. They met up with fellow Chicheley Lodge Brother, Ron Ploederl (a serving US military officer now living in Texas) who hosted them.

Alamo visit
Members of the visiting party with their hosts

The visit included a tour of San Antonio, visits to a number of Texas Lodges, a conducted tour of the Grand Lodge of Texas in Waco and a special visit to the Masonic Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas.

At their first Lodge visit, to the Cibolo Lodge No 151, they met Bro Scott Mikos, a member of Grand Junction Lodge No 9775 in this Province and Senior Warden of the Alamo Lodge – who proved a fantastic guide round the San Antonio tourist attractions.

Bro Mick Warren gave a resoundingly successful demonstration of the Initiate’s Chain for the newly made Brother. The party also made visits to Albert Pike Lodge No 1169 and Somerset Lodge No 1205.

The highlight of their journey was their attendance, on 11 December, at the meeting of the Alamo Lodge No 144 held in the Alamo, Texas. At the meeting they presented an engraved Mason’s maul and block set and Provincial cufflinks and ties to the Lodge.

This annual ceremony in the Alamo is a wonderful event recommended to any Mason. It is an incredible testament to those Freemasons (including Bros Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William Travis) who fought at the Alamo in 1735 and were instrumental in shaping US history by laying the foundations for the creation of the State of Texas.

At its December 2010 meeting Bro Scott Mikos is to be installed into the Chair of the Alamo Lodge. By special dispensation this will be in the Alamo shrine. Bro Scott is organising for Brethren of this Province to attend the event.