Wellingborough Stages First RMBI Celebratory Dinner

The first of the seven dinners celebrating the completion of the 2013 RMBI Festival took place on 1 June in the splendid surroundings of Wellingborough School.

The evening started with a reception for the just under 200 Brethren, wives and partners with background music beautifully played by a quartet from the Northamptonshire Youth Orchestra.

The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, spoke of the splendid efforts by Brethren of the Province who, by dint of both direct giving and enjoyable concerts, Sportsmens' Lunches and the like, raised not just the target of £1.6 million, but almost £2.2 million, and proposed a toast to the RMBI.

(l to r) Mrs Barbara Bayes, RWBro Max Bayes PGM, Mrs Lesley Newman, VWBro James Newman, RMBI President

The response was by VWBro James Newman, President of the RMBI (a member of the Province and WM of the Old Wellingburian Lodge No 5570). He spoke of the wonderful work done by the staff of the RMBI under the leadership of the Chief Executive, David Innes who was also present with his wife.

The School's caterers served a splendid meal. This was followed, as will be at the other dinners, by Dave Chance, whose songs, jokes and repartee delighted everyone until well after the scheduled close.

Thus ended a wonderful evening, thoroughly enjoyed by all present.