Royal Arch News
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Jim Boughton, has announced the following appointments and promotions for 2020:
- Written by: Michael Genner
How does a Royal Arch Chapter celebrate its 100th anniversary meeting?
First it performs an exemplary Exaltation ceremony for the Son of one of its esteemed members.
It then elects a Past Grand Superintendent as an Honorary Member.
After that a lively Festive Board of Fish n Chips for 43 diners and most of the Companions “on the road” by 10pm. A great night indeed at Thistle and Rose Chapter!
Pictured with the Three Principals are the Exaltee, Glen Brooks, the new VIP Hon Member Wayne Williams, the 2nd PG Principal and past members of Wayne’s Executive.
- Written by: Michael Genner
140 Companions and Brethren from around Northampton attended the PSA Testing Session of this seasons PSA screening programme for Prostate Cancer held at Sheaf Close on Saturday 30th November 2019.
The series of events are organised by Companions of the Supreme Degree of the Royal Arch (Chapter, the completion of the Third Degree) in conjunction with the Graham Fulford Trust and underwritten by both the Royal Arch and Craft Provinces.
A similar programme took place in 2017/18 as a result of which several Companions/ Brethren were found, unbeknown to them, to have Prostrate Cancer and then went on to receive treatment. Without this intervention they may well not be around today to tell the story and express their gratitude for the opportunity to be screened.
Further sessions are planned in the New Year for Peterborough (Saturday 29th February 2020) and Corby (Saturday 25th April 2020) for which Companions and Brethren in those areas will receive notice. All are urged to take the opportunity to be screened in this manner as it may, as some have found, save their lives.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
- Written by: Michael Genner