Royal Arch News
In early December 2016, a small party of Royal Arch Masons from the Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire which included both the Grand Superintendent and the Provincial Grand Master visited the Chapter of Charity No 187 in the Province of Bristol.
Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, has written about the history of the Royal Arch and the Province of Bristol, particularly, their very special Exaltation ceremony. To read it click here and it will open up.
Below are some more pictures from what was a very enjoyable night and cemented the special relationship that exists between the two Provinces.
- Written by: John Fergusson
On Tuesday 13 December, the Convocation of Gildenburg Chapter in Peterborough proved to be a very busy evening with an Exaltation, a presentation of a Supreme Grand Chapter certificate and last, but by no means least, the presentation of a 50 Year Jubilee Certificate. Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, was the official visitor for this Convocation.
The three Principals of the Chapter; E Comp David Burton, E Comp Marcus Murphy and E Comp Richard Olson, led the Exaltation of Comp Robert Hodson in a fine manner and enabled him to complete his journey in Pure Antient Masonry. At this point, our Most Excellent Grand Superindent presented Comp Mark Benwell with his Supreme Grand Chapter Certficate and explained it to him. Finally, to the delight of all those present our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, then presented a 50 year Jubilee Certificate to Comp Colin St John-Browne who has enjoyed the companionship of the Holy Royal Arch for half a century, but, not progressed through the Principals' Chairs. He was absolutely delighted to receive this certificate.
The evening was completed with a very enjoyable Festive Board which captured the wonderful atmosphere of the evening.
Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, presents the 50 year Jubilee Certifcate to Comp Colin St John-Browne
flanked by the Chapter's three Principals; Haggai, E Comp Marcus Murphy, MEZ, E Comp David Burton, & Joshua, E Comp Richard Olson
Above left: Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams with the newly exalted Comp Robert Hodson.
Above right: Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams & Comp Mark Benwell flanked by the Chapter's three
Principals; Haggai, E Comp Marcus Murphy, MEZ, E Comp David Burton, & Joshua, E Comp Richard Olson
- Written by: John Fergusson
On 9 December 2016, our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, visited Piscator Chapter for their December Convocation. He was accompanied by E Comp John Payne, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and supported by E Comp David Smith, Provincial Grand Treasurer, E Comp Dr Christopher Clark, Provincial Grand Registrar and Provincial Grand Standard Bearer, E Comp Martin Dimmock.
It was a very memorable evening for two sets of fathers and sons; E Comp Aaron Day and E Comp Michael Long both witnessed their sons, Comp Daniel and Comp James respectively, being exalted into the Holy Royal Arch and complete their journeys in Pure Antient Masonry. The Exaltation ceremony was delivered with ritual of the highest standard with the Chapter's three Principals leading the way and they were very well supported by Comp Mike Howells as Principal Sojourner and delivered the Historical Lecture in a superb manner.
The ceremony was followed by a fine festive board to welcome Comps Daniel and James into the Holy Royal Arch and Piscator Chapter and we wish them both a long and happy future as members of this fine Chapter.
Pictured above right from left to right:- E Comp David Smith, Provincial Grand Treasurer, E Comp Dr Christopher Clark, Provincial Grand
Registrar, Comp Daniel Day, Haggai, E Comp Aaron Day, Haggai, MEZ, E Comp Bob Green, Most Excellent Grand Superintendent,
E Comp Wayne Williams, Joshua, E Comp Roger Blason, Comp James Long, E Comp John Payne, Provincial Grand Director of
Ceremonies & E Comp Martin Dimmock, Provincial Grand Standard Bearer
- Written by: John Fergusson
Companions All,
Certainly time flies and another year has passed and here we are again, rapidly approaching our Seasonal celebrations with the challenges of a New Year quickly to follow.
Always endeavouring to keep up with ever-advancing technology with Social Media, Websites, Facebook and my good old friend, the Intertwit, at least it gives me an opportunity of directly conveying to you all the very best of Seasonal Greetings, not only on behalf of myself but also on behalf of my colleagues on the Royal Arch Provincial Executive.
We should never lose sight of the true meaning and real purpose of Christmas and all it stands for - a period of joy and celebration as we reflect on events of some 2000 years ago in a far off land. Particularly at this time, we should enjoy and share the love of family and friends but then in quieter moments, perhaps take time out for calm reflection on events of recent past and events we can anticipate in the months ahead. And with batteries recharged, we may then be better prepared to approach the New Year with renewed vigour, enthusiasm and confidence.
Let me therefore thank you all for the wonderful support you have given to me, to my colleagues and to the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch over the last 12 months in particular. Can I, in return, wish you, your nearest and dearest and your families a very happy and peaceful Christmas coupled with a healthy and prosperous New Year to follow. Thank you for sharing your companionship; thank you for your friendship and I’ll look forward to catching up again with you all in 2017.
A very Happy Christmas to you all.
E Comp Wayne Edward Williams
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent
- Written by: John Fergusson