Royal Arch News

Another Outstanding Wayne Williams Golf Trophy Day

The ‘Wayne Williams Trophy’ Golf Competition 2016

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This event was founded in 2013 to foster relationships between neighbouring Royal Arch Provinces and other Orders within Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Province as a social event outside of the main Masonic Season. Peterborough Milton Golf Club traditionally hosts the event and we are very fortunate to have a great connection at that Club in E Comp Russell Laxton who together with E Comp David Jackson manages the event.

This year’s event was held on 2nd August and saw sixty participants from six Provinces, Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire, Hertfordshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and of course Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire taking part. The Wayne Williams Trophy is awarded to the team scoring the most Stableford points on the day. The first three annual events have been won by the Northants, Hunts & Beds Provincial Priory team. However, of the six Provinces this year, Bedfordshire were on top form and swept to victory in a most spectacular fashion. Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent is pictured above with the victorious Bedfordshire team. 

The day saw some fine golf from all participants which also included teams from KT, Mark and Craft from Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Province. The individual prize winner with a score of 40 Stableford points was Comp Steve Storey, playing on this occasion for Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Craft Team. The event concluded with a superb dinner at which prizes were presented by our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, and he gave hearty thanks to all present, particularly E Comp David Jackson and E Comp Russell Laxton for all their hard work in producing yet another memorable and wonderful day of golf and companionship. The competition will be held again next year at Peterborough Milton Golf Club on Tuesday 1st August 2017.

Images of the 2016 Wayne Williams Golf Trophy Day

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