Royal Arch News

A Fine Exaltation At Montagu Chapter

On 9 May 2016, Bro Iain Griffin became Comp Iain Griffin on being exalted into the Holy Royal Arch and completed his journey in Pure Antient Masonry. Amongst those present to witness an excellent ceremony was the Second Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp George Clayton.

The 2nd Provincial Grand Principal congratulated the Chapter's Principals, led by MEZ  E Comp David Sutton, on a first class ceremony,. Particular mention must be made of the outstanding work  also carried out by the Principal and 1st Assistant Sojourners, Comps Peter Baker and Lyn Howells respectively.  Other outstanding contributions were made by E Comp Ray Taylor who gave a stunning presentation of the Signs and E Comps Robert Pues and Cedric Cadman who presented the Mystical Lecture in an most exemplary manner.

The ceremony was followed by a fine festive board to welcome Comp Iain into the Holy Royal Arch. 

Pictured below from left to right:- 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp George Clayton, Comp Iain Griffin, E Comp John Wilkes, E Comp David Sutton, E Comp Maurice Eggleston & E Comp Robert Pues.

 16 05 09 montagu iain griffin