On Thursday, 7 April, Companions of Benaventa Chapter 2380 installed their Three Principals for the ensuing year. E Comp Richard Hill was installed as MEZ, E Comp David Markham moved up to Haggai, and Comp Keith Hewitt was duly installed as Joshua.
The newly Installed Principals of Beneventa Chapter pictured with the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal. Left to Right:
2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp George Clayton, E Comp David Markham, E Comp Richard Hill, E Comp
Keith Hewitt, E Comp Tony Albrecht and Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, E Comp Jeff Chambers.
All present appreciated the excellent work by all the Principals, the IPZ, E Comp Tony Dicks, particularly being commended on the exemplary manner in which he installed his successor. E Comp Ray Lewis presented the First Principal's Robes and Sceptres in a most commendable way, followed by E Comp Dick Godwin who went on to present both Haggai and Joshua's Robes and Sceptres, with style and articulation.
The Director of Ceremonies, E Comp Tony Pointing, carried out his duties with his usual attention to detail, as well as formally presenting the IPZ Jewel in the most dignified and moving manner. The musical accompaniment was provided by ‘Organist’ E Comp Mike Shepherd, who superbly anticipated the mood of the ceremony with an excellent and appropriate choice of music.
Present in an official capacity was 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp George Clayton accompanied by PrDepGDC, E Comp Jeff Chambers, together with a representation of officers from both Grand and Provincial Grand Lodges. The evening concluded with a wonderful Festive Board which included traditional, and very ‘light and healthy’ Steak and Kidney Pudding, much enjoyed and appreciated by all present on this very special, yet damp and cold evening.
Above (l to r): E Comp David Markham, E Comp RIchard Hill, E Comp Above (l to r): E Comp David Markham, E Comp RIchard Hill, E Comp
Stephen Hewitt & E Comp Tony DIcks Stephen Hewitt & E Comp Dick Godwin