Royal Arch News

Chapter of St Giles Receives Provincial Team Visit

The day was April Fool’s day, but the occasion was anything but.

On 1 April 2016 at Corby Masonic Complex, the Provincial Grand Chapter Team of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire came out in force to the Chapter of St. Giles No. 8736. The evening’s Convocation saw Brother Eben Viljoen exalted into the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch and complete his journey through Pure Antient Masonry to become Companion Eben Viljoen, with a little more “Pomp and Ceremony” than would normally be the case.

At the start of the evening The Three Principals, E Comp Jack C. Summerfield, E Comp Malcolm Atkins and E Comp David Docherty received the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams accompanied by E Comp John Payne, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. Also present was the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp Mike Coleman, The Second Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp George Clayton and The Third Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Mark Constant, along with 18 distinguished Companions holding Grand Chapter Rank and Acting Provincial Rank in a magnificent display of ceremonial splendour.

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The Three Principals Of Chapter of St Giles pictured with the Provincial team led by our ME Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams.

The Three Principals led an excellent ceremony which saw several officers produce some outstanding work. The 1st and 2nd Assistant Sojourners, Comp Garth Coward and Comp Paul McGregor led Companion Viljoen through his exaltation ceremony with great style. The signs were presented by E Comp Arthur Byles followed by the Mystical Lecture, presented in a commendable manner by E Comp Harry Twelvetree, E Comp Mick Wren and E Comp John Webster. It was particularly nice to see the other two Candidates from this season Comp John McMann and Comp Chris Vickers give the readings.

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Chapter of St Giles Newest Companiont is pictured above (left to right): E Comp Jack Summerfield, Comp Eben Viljoen
and our ME Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Wililams

With 80 attending the convocation and over 70 sitting down to an excellent and entertaining Festive Board there was a great sense of occasion. In his reply to his toast Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Wayne Williams advised that he was pleased to see The Chapter of St. Giles continue to go from strength to strength on each of his recent visits to the Corby Chapter, and advised Comp Eben that he will never witness a better ceremony than the one that he had seen that evening. Everyone in attendance had clearly made a WISE decision to attend, and no-one made FOOLS of themselves!