On an extremely wet day, the like of which hasn’t been seen for many a year, members of St Ivo Chapter 2684 installed their Three Principals for the ensuing year. E Comp Esmond Edwards, after serving as DC for ten years, had the honour for the third time of being installed as MEZ of this very fine Chapter. Comp Richard Anderson moved up to H and Comp Jeremy Allen was installed as J.
All present appreciated the excellent work by those taking part in the ceremony, the IPZ particularly being commended on the very capable and sincere manner in which he installed his successor. Particularly pleasing was to see Companions David Evans and Barry Smethurst invested as Principal and 1st Ass Sojourners respectively, the 2ndAss being unavoidably absent. So good to see all Sojourners in progression which bodes well for foreseeable future of this vibrant Chapter.
Present in an official capacity was 2nd Provincial Grand Principal George Clayton accompanied by PrAGDC Tony Winn, together with several Grand and Provincial Grand Officers. The evening concluded with an excellent Festive Board, much enjoyed and appreciated by all present on this most enjoyable, yet very stormy evening.
The newly Installed Principals of St Ivo Chapter pictured with the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal
left to right: E Comp Tony Winn, E Comp Richard Anderson, E Comp Esmond Edwards,
E Comp Jeremy Allen and E Comp George Clayton.