Royal Arch News

Demonstration Team Comes To Petriburg Lodge

On 12 February, Petriburg Lodge No. 8767 were hosts to the Royal Arch Provincial Demonstration Team who performed a play entitled "How & Why Royal Arch". The play, which was both informative and humorous, was set in the latter part of the 18th Century and explored the tensions between the Ancients and the Moderns, and the formation of the “Fourth Degree”, which was influenced by the Irish Freemason, Lawrence Dermott.

All of those who attended thoroughly enjoyed the event and a fortunate few in the audience enjoyed tankards of wine supplied by the Potman of the tavern in which the play was set.

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The Demonstration Team pictured below with the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro David Burton (front left),
W Bro Perrin-Brown (WM, Petriburg Lodge) and
the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams (front right)

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