Royal Arch News

2015 Grand Chapter Appointments & Promotions

                                           E Comp John Phillips E Comp Brian Gebbels E Comp George Bonham  15 03 18 e comp robert pues

The 2015 Appointments and Promotions to Supreme Grand Chapter Rank have now been published and circulated around Province – they will already be known to many therefore but may I, on behalf of the Royal Arch Province, formally extend congratulations on First Appointments to:

E Comp John Phillips of Montagu Chapter in Stamford on his first appointment to PGStB. John, of course, was our Third Provincial Grand Principal for a couple of years up until some 12 months ago. For his excellent contribution to the Province, John’s worthy recognition is richly deserved. 

E Comp Brian Gebbels of Socrates Chapter in Huntingdon who also received his first appointment to PAGDC. Brian has been a stalwart of Royal Arch Masonry in Huntingdon for many a year and I have been so grateful for his loyalty and support throughout.

E Comp George Bonham of Euston Chapter who has been a tremendous supporter to me personally and to the Holy Royal Arch in general as well as being our Provincial Grand Master in Mark. His support and generosity on behalf of Mark Master Masons in this Province during our 2013 Bicentenary Appeal for the Royal College of Surgeons was greatly appreciated and in an exceedingly busy diary, we are grateful for his regular and frequent support for his Chapter and the Royal Arch Province in general. A first appointment in Supreme Grand Chapter Rank to PGStB is well overdue and also very well deserved. 

And finally to E Comp Bob Pues PAGDC also of Montagu Chapter, a well-earned promotion to PGStB for his commitment and dedication to the Supreme Degree and for the sterling work he contributes in Stamford particularly. E Comp Bob is one of a number of stalwarts we have in Stamford all of whom have ensured that Montagu Chapter is constantly in the best of health. 

To them all, I extend my personal congratulations and best wishes from all throughout the Province.

E Comp W E Williams
ME Grand Superintendent