E Comp Dennis Stewart of the Chapter of St Giles has a bonfire party each year in the grounds of his home near Corby and donates the proceeds to charity.
This year he was ably assisted by E Comps Dave Genner and Billy Glover and his bonfire party raised £1,167.50. He has added to this Holy Royal Arch Province’s donation is support of Supreme Grand Chapter’s Centenary Appeal in aid of the Royal College of Surgeons.
On the 19 December 2013 at the Corbie Masonic Complex the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams and the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, Ex Comp Mike Green, were presented with the £1,167.50 cheque.
The Most Excellent Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams said
This takes our Provincial total up to £64,000. I’m most grateful to Dennis Stewart and the Companions of the Chapter of St Giles for taking what was already a wonderful total to even greater heights.