In 1996 representatives from the three Chapters in Peterborough decided to set up a more formal committee to primarily raise funds to maintain the highest standard of regalia and equipment used by them. During the early days quiz nights, musical events and many other social occassions were held and funds accumulated for the committee to purchase three new Principal's robes and soon after three new sceptres. At one of the gatherings these were demonstrated by the three Principals of the time.
Following the move to Ellindon in 2001 the committee became more active and planned ahead to improve and upgrade the Chapter room which had started to look tired. Folllowing the installation of the much needed air conditioning unit and improved lighting it was agreed to produce Honour Boards to record and recognise the Past First Principal's of the three Chapters, St. Peter's 442, Gildenburgh 2533 and Dr Oliver 3964.
A very willing team has assisted in making a Scribe's/Treasurer's Desk, and blocking up disused windows and preparing them for plastering and final decorating. The latter has been professionally executed by Eompanion Robin Johnstone, it also included the White Pedestal.
The re-fixing of the honours boards and dado rails including carpet cleaning and binding are futher tasks which have now been completed during the recent recess.
During this period it was decided to replace the rather dilapidated twelve ensigns. The services of an expert needlewoman were sought for a quotation for the work involved. Mrs Dorothy Sharman of Empingham proved to be an excellent choice and the work was put in hand. Also at this time a generous legacy was given to the Dr Oliver Chapter by the late E Comp Ron Pywell. This enabled the committee to recommend the making of the five main banners which have now been completed and are ready for use.
The PJCC would like to place on record their appreciation of the generous co-operation of the board of Directors of Peterborough Masonic Hall Limited and for their assistance and understanding. They are confident they have a Chapter Room of which they can be truly proud.