A very special double celebration for both the Chapter and the Provincial Grand Chapter took place at Thursday, 5 September's Convocation of the Chapter of Installed First Principals No 3422. It was thoroughly enjoyed by the 181 Companions who attended. After the Chapter was opened by the Most Excellent Zerubabel, EComp Max Bayes (who is also the Provincial Grand Master of the Craft Province), it received the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, EComp Wayne Williams with his team of Provincial Grand Chapter officers. The Chapter was then pleased to welcome the Most Excellent Second Grand Principal, George Pipon Francis, accompanied by this Director of Ceremonies, EComp James Harrison, Grand Standard Bearer. |
The MEZ vacated his Chair in favour of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, EComp Wayne Williams. He led the ceremony of dedication of the Chapter's new banner to commemorate the bi- centenary of the Holy Royal Arch.
After the MEZ had closed the Chapter four representatives of the Royal College of Surgeons gave an enthralling presentation describing their work and the importance of Masonic funding.
At the following Festive Board the MEGS invited the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, EComp Mike Green, to reveal the total raised by this Province in support of the Royal College of Surgeons - an amazing £60,176. This was gratefully received by the Most Excellent Second Grand Principal who sincerely thanked the Province for this outstanding contribution.
In his toast to the MEGS, EComp Roger Wood produced a pith helmet which he presented to the MEGS who he revealed was about to enjoy a holiday in Zambia.