On 11 April 2024, Cytringan Chapter, No.4048, presented a cheque for £300 to Cransley Hospice in Kettering. Present were (L to R):
Keith Riddle, 2nd Principal; Roger Hutchinson, Scribe E; Rebecca Patenall, Community Fundraiser (Cransley Hospice); and, Trevor Wilson, Charity Steward.
At the time of the presentation, the weather was warm and sunny and the opportunity was taken to make the cheque presentation in the small garden next to the Charity Fundraising office. Rebecca Patenall asked if attention could be drawn to their many fundraising events, see Events - Cransley Hospice Trust.
The care provided by the Hospice is jointly funded by the Cransley Hospice Trust (CHT) in the north of the county, along with Cynthia Spencer Hospice Charity (CSHC) in the south, and by the NHS through Northamptonshire Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG). In order to continue the current level of care and future services, Cransley Hospice needs to increase fundraising from £1.4m to £2m over the next 5 years.