Royal Arch News

St Crispin Chapter 5627’s Installation evening

Thursday 21st October was Kettering’s St Crispin Chapter 5627’s Installation evening. For the first time in the Chapter’s history all officers held their current positions after the Covid impacted cessation of Masonic meetings. The Chapter was delighted to receive the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Neil Handley accompanied by his DC, EComp Jeff Freeman, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.

This was the Chapters first meeting since Masonic activities resumed, with three candidates in the wings St Crispin Chapter is looking forward to the season ahead.

EComp Jeff Freeman, EComp Neil Handley, EComp Tom Reed Haggai, EComp Dabinder Basra MEZ, EComp Tom Stockley Joshua. Comp John Wooding Provincial Janitor, EComp Tony Winn ADC

Back Row left to right
EComp Tim Lucy DC, EComp Keith Dickson IPZ