Perseverance Chapter No 455 held a companions get together meeting by Zoom on Monday 26th October 2020 and were delighted to welcome a special visitor with Ex Comp John Payne, 2nd Provincial Grand Principal joining the gathering.
Ex Comp John gave his best wishes and outlined to the companions the work being undertaken by the Provincial Executive team to keep in touch with each Chapter and so in turn with Companions around the Province. He continued with a most interesting insight into the duties of the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, which would include in normal times over 30 official visits in a year to Chapters, other Provinces and London. Ex Comp John explained how honoured he felt in being entrusted with this high position, which came after over 8 years of service in various HRA Provincial Director of Ceremonies roles and went on to say, `It is quite a commitment, but one that I thoroughly enjoy. My advice is to always to be yourself in whatever you do`.
On behalf of Perseverance Chapter, Ex Comp Duncan Childs, MEZ, thanked Ex Comp John for his superb talk and sent the best wishes of all the Companions present back to Province and for a safe return to our normal meetings when possible.
Perseverance Chapter will hold its next companions get together meeting by Zoom on Monday 30th November 2020 at 7pm, when The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion James Boughton will be present. Visitors from other Chapters are always welcome.`
E Comp Peter Robinson.